Career Conference November 2014
It’s here! The ReStart Conference is back again. If you haven’t attended before, feel the need to attend again or know of others who would benefit from attending, now is the time to act!
All unemployed, underemployed, and transitioning employment seekers remain welcome to restart their career and attend. While the event remains free and open to all as in previous events, this year’s conference expands it reach by embracing:
- the new graduate starting their career
- military veterans starting their civilian career,
- persons living in the Summerville area.
Registration for the conference is open now at
We expect a full house, so don’t wait to register. The event is free (donations are accepted…), and a free lunch is served.
- Inspirational Opening Session
- Managing Change
- Taking Stock
- Resume Writing
- Support Systems Luncheon
- Job Search Strategy
- Interviewing
- Encouraging Closing Session
We rely heavily on the support of enthusiastic volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to support the conference reply to this email with your name, email address and phone number included (
Please share information about the conference with your friends, family, neighbors and contacts that you think would benefit from attending and encourage them to sign-up at
Many thanks go out to our conference sponsors!